Success Stories


Something Greater Brought Us Together

You cannot imagine how reluctant I was about going on dating sites until I found yours. In a moment of inspiration I started to fill in the profile with all honesty and no expectations and it paid off. I had contact within a few members but nothing happened. Or maybe there was someone and I just did not know it yet. Tony contacted me and we started writing. When we met it was amazing how the conversation flowed and how we laughed a lot. Every date was magic and when we went for a picnic surrounded by nature I knew he was the love of my life. Since that day we have been inseparable. After 18 months the magic is still there and keeps on growing. I am enjoying the love I always wanted in my life, thanks to you and your team.


When I joined you site I was very sceptical about internet dating.  I browsed profiles now and again but was preoccupied with other things in my life. I couldn't persuade myself to write to anyone. When I saw the profile of my partner-to-be I thought I will give it a shot and made contact, not really expecting much. But during our first few dates I felt more and more that something greater than the two of us had brought us together. I do believe that we are meant to meet the most important people in our lives but never thought it possible that this could happen on the Internet. And at my age I never believed that I could still find the love of my life and true happiness.


Hi Jill,

Tony and I have a solid relationship. Our journey together has been full of magic and of course supportive in difficult times.  It's been 11 years already. We just lost sense of time. We are very happy and we can't be more grateful that you play your part in this adventure. 
All the best,