I've always had a knowing that the woman I was destined to be with was out there waiting for me. A few years ago I was drawn to start my search for her using "newageconnections". It wasn't long before my search was ended and I met Ilda. Our interactions were truly wonderful and I felt as if we had known each other for lifetimes before our meeting. We finished each other's thoughts and always knew what the other was feeling. It wasn't long before we became emotionally inseparable and fell into love together. Due to complications with covid we...
From Ravindra: After years of online dating using mainstream sites I tried Natural Awakenings Singles and quickly found Houneida who was living in Athens, Greece. All she wrote on her profile was “I am ready and willing to co-create a conscious partnership full of play, adventure, and personal growth! Would you be willing to embark with me?” Instantly, I was intrigued and accepted her challenge by sending her a message. Within a few days of emailing on the site we started video chatting and I took her on a "virtual date"....
Dear, Jill...
Nearly 4 years ago (received Jan 2019), a member named William contacted me and we began communicating. At first when I spoke to him on the phone, I was shocked to hear his Louisiana drawl, which I later grew to love. We talked frequently, sometimes several times a day. We had unbelievable similarities going on in our lives. He was a single father fighting for his kids in court. I was a single mother fighting for my granddaughter in court. His family actually had a camp in the same small town in Mexico which has also been a big part of my life too. Both of us were Buddhists. He...
*Watch John & Annie's Success Story Interview on YouTube: Success Story Interview
We are sooooo grateful for Jill Crosby’s wonderful idea of creating Spiritual Singles. As soon as we met in a lovely London Cafe we both felt an electricity between us. We are both very dedicated 'A Course In Miracles’ teacher/students and that was a massive plus. We also both love the teachings of Abraham as delivered by Esther Hicks so we had a lot in...
Dear Jill,
Updated, recent Success story:
My wife and I met on your site over two years ago now. She was in NY and I was Oregon. We met on New Years Eve and we both called our friends and family the next day and said, "I found my life partner!" I had tried Match in the past but simply did not resonate with most of the people. Your site is a "smaller pond," but the members vibrate at a higher level.
I have told many people about your site and everyone is so appreciative! It is like an oasis in the dating...
We are blessed! Almost seven years ago France and I met on Green Singles and we took off like a wildfire. France had been on Green Singles for almost a year and was ready to move on when I came aboard and “winked” at her during my first week. We attribute our deep spiritual intimacy to each of us being completely honest in our profiles, and our numerous alignments (especially our love of nature, water, camping, sensuality and personal growth).
We met face-to-face after five weeks of emails and phone chats. With champagne and flowers in hand, I drove to her...
From Shelly:
I’m a chiropractor and facilitator of Access Consciousness. A patient told me about your site in 2009, and I created a profile and then forgot about it. I closed my practice in Arizona in 2010 and moved to Portugal to buy a chiropractic office, only to realize 4 months later that it wasn’t going to work out. I was like most entrepreneurial women out there – no time for dating, business was first.
Using the tools of Access Consciousness, I did become extremely clear about what I desired and required from a partner,...
A click on the ‘interested’ button revived a romance we believe has traversed lifetimes. Two weeks after that click, Juna joined Jerry in Bali for two months of renewing our relationship and commitment. A whirlwind of activity followed. Now we live and love together in Ubud, Bali.
Much Thanks to Spiritual Singles for making it easy to reconnect.
Jerry and Juna
NOTE: Spiritual Singles is part of the Conscious Dating Network which is comprised of many...